
Baby kledingruil- en weggeef (0-3 jaar)

zondag 16 september 2018 , 13:30 - 16:30 uur

De baby-dreumes-peuter kledingruil- en weggeef is er weer! Wat groeien onze kids snel...! Dit ruil- en weggeef event wordt georganiseerd in samenwerking met Amsterdam Mamas That Swap!
Entree is gratis. Je kunt kledingstukken ruilen die schoon zijn en in goede conditie voor kids in de leeftijd van 0-36 maanden, alsook andere textiel zoals slabbetjes, linnen doeken, etc. Als je niets hebt om in te ruilen is dat geen probleem, er wordt ook weggegeven zodat de kleding opnieuw gebruikt kan worden.

We are excited to announce the baby and toddler clothes swap is back! Our babies grow so fast… which means their clothes are having to constantly change to grow with them. Save the environment and money by giving your clothes a second life. This event is created in collaboration with Amsterdam Mamas That Swap! We hope you enjoy it as much as we do.

There is no entry cost
You can swap clean clothes from 0-36 months in good condition as well as non-clothing related items such as baby carry wraps, linen, swaddles...but nothing too bulky
If you don't have anything to bring, you can just come and pick up

If you want to give us a hand, help with folding clothes or baking you can contact us Amsterdam Mamas That Swap via FB or contact

Amsterdam Mamas That Swap:

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